As I am asking for other people’s help in contributing to my game, The Godkiller, I feel it is necessary to describe upfront, things which might offend them. I want people to make good decisions that they can stick to. I have respect for the beliefs and values of others even when they don’t match my own.
I do not have an ESRB rating for The Godkiller, but have written a self-assessment below for how an ESRB rating could be given to the game. Wherever possible, I’ve “rounded up” in the assessment towards what might offend someone, even if I thought there were mitigating factors.
If The Godkiller game were to receive an overall ESRB rating, it would likely be M for Mature, e.g. 17+ age. However, the ESRB rating system does not cover ideas and how they could affect and offend people. So I have added an additional section describing ideas presented in the game which may be offensive to some.
There are mild spoilers below. I’ve made some effort to obfuscate plot events so you can enjoy the story, but the overall theme and some world-building details are there.
A short video of me explaining the content here:
ESRB Self-Assessment
To figure out what these terms below specifically mean, check out the ESRB ratings guide, which I referenced while writing the self-assessment below.
- Alcohol References – No
- Drug Reference – No
- Tobacco Reference – No
- Use of Drugs – No
- Use of Alcohol – No
- Use of Tobacco – No
The story is set in a fantasy world, where drugs/alcohol/tobacco don’t exist.
- Blood/Animated Blood – Yes
- Blood and Gore – No
Things die by exploding into particles.
- Fantasy Violence – Yes (beyond Cartoon Violence)
- Sexual Violence – No
- Violence – Yes
- Violent References – Yes
- Intense Violence – No
There is lots of violence, depicted non-realistically. Please see “death” topic below.
- Comic Mischief – Yes
- Mature Humor – Yes (beyond Crude Humor)
Humor sometimes references sexuality, but not frequently.
- Strong Language – Yes (beyond Language)
- Strong Lyrics – Yes (beyond Lyrics)
Occasional swearing, words like “s**t” and “f**k”.
- Nudity/Partial Nudity – No.
Characters are generally not designed for titillation. Some non-human creatures don’t wear clothes, but there’s nothing suggestive about them. See “gender” topic below.
- Real/Simulated Gambling – No
No gambling.
- Sexual Content – Yes
- Strong Sexual Content – No
- Sexual Themes – Yes
- Suggestive Themes – No
Sex is discussed as part of human nature and the motivations for why people might do things. But it’s not brought up for titillation. See “gender” topic below.
Ideas and Concepts that May Offend
God and Religion
- God is portrayed as a fallible, malicious, unintelligent, un-empathetic, and dislikable character.
- God swears.
- God’s name is used in the story. He is a fictitious character. Some Christians or similar faiths, may object to the “Lord’s name taken in vain”.
- Religion or God’s instructions inside of the story’s world is depicted as arbitrary, misguided, and unhelpful to its adherents.
- Some followers of the religion or God’s instructions are depicted as corrupt, self-centered, and stupid.
- Alternative views of the Creation Event or how the Universe began are discussed.
- Some Biblical events are satirized or spoofed, e.g. the Garden of Eden story.
- The main character joyfully rebels against aspects of God and religion.
- The main character may or may not kill God, purposely or accidentally. I can’t spoil this, but please assume the worst thing in deciding on your objections. This idea is in the title of the game.
Death and Violence
- Death is portrayed as a temporary state with no lasting penalty. Characters die and are immediately reborn inside of an egg.
- Dying on purpose, or suiciding, is a requirement in the game. It gives a teleportation ability.
- While no realistic violence or blood is portrayed, there is a scene where a character continuously stabs the main character and describes reasons for doing it. It is implied, but not shown, that every time anybody in this world dies, the same stabbing process is enacted upon the person dying.
- There is a device in the story that delivers continuous, long-term torture. Again, no realistic violence or blood.
- The nature of Death is explored and discussed in various ways.
- Famous mass killers from the real world are described as having an influence on a character.
- Characters in the game are neither Male or Female. They are genderless. But they are depicted as male or female.
- Characters do not have genitalia. This is not shown visually, but is discussed as an explanation of how the world works.