
Looking to punch up your Unity game with some great audio? Seespace Labs offers high-quality voice packs that will immediately make your game sound pro. And we are committed to making the same voice actors available to record further dialogue beyond what’s provided in the voice pack. So we’ve combined the value of buying audio assets as a product with the flexibility of services to record specific audio for your project with the same actor.

Who else is doing that? Seriously, if you tell me somebody else is offering the same thing, I’ll stop saying we’re the only one. But as I far as I know, Seespace Labs is the only company that will sell you an inexpensive voice pack, and then bring in the same actor to record more lines for you — a powerful combination for any indie or budget-minded developer.

We are great fans of Unity, and have plans to add more products in the Unity Asset Store. Everything we offer is designed for serious developers creating professional-quality games. Keep checking back, and please do let us know if you have any ideas for audio products. If it’s a good idea, we might just head down to the studio and record it!