Jojobot Cook-off

I looked at my schedule for Machine Horror House and all the things left to do.

Time to get some more help!

Jojobot Concept

My concept art for Jojobot.

Although, I really wanted to work on the characters myself, I also have to write animation software, plug in audio clips and sound effects, hook up the Kinects to the animation logic, stagecrafting, promo work, and… there’s way too much for me to do on my own. So over the last few days, I’ve put out ads and contacted people for help with background art and character design. On the character design front, I paid five artists to draw their own version of one of the characters called “Jojobot”, for which I provided concept art. These five artists were from my short list after looking at a few hundred artists. I don’t have an attitude like they are gladiators being thrown into an arena for my amusement. I’ve got respect for their talents, and like I said, they are all getting paid to put up some test work. My experience, in hiring artists, is that you can’t trust portfolios on their own.

After I’ve reached agreement with some of the artists, I would like to share some of their work here on the site.

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