Voiceover Party

MJR SoundDesign

MJR SoundDesign

On Tuesday, I’m heading down to Portland to record the script for Machine Horror House with Marc Rose of MJR SounDesign and his band of handpicked actors. I’ve written and recorded a fair amount of dialog before for myself and other people’s projects, but it was all in a transactional way like:

  1. Deliver script to voiceover talent
  2. Receive recorded audio files
  3. Repeat as needed to make corrections.

But this would be the first time that I had a recording session with actors talking to each other directly for their lines, with an ability to experiment with the lines and delivery to get a good result. So it will maybe be a little more Firesign Theater-style with happy accidents. Well, I shouldn’t jinx it. We will see how it goes.

Also, Marc assures me that there will be some badass robot voices. I love robot voices. You don’t even know.

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