Robot song from Fez composer.

This means disasterpeace is coming.

Some months back I was playing Fez, which is this fantastic indie game for XBox. It’s got ingenious retro-style graphics that pretend to be two dimensional, yet are actually 3D. Much in the style of the classic novella, Flatland, a 2D character (Gomez) is blessed with a perspective into a mysterious third dimension, and it blows his little 2D mind!

So what kind of music fits a game like this? Well, you want it to sound innocent and simple at times, to fit the pixelly little Gomez character and his world. So blippy chiptune sounds are in order. But at the same time, it should be awe-inspiring, to fit the moments when Gomez does things like fly into the middle of a tesseract or peer into hole in the fabric of his universe. It turns out that Rich Vreeland (aka Distasterpiece) handled all this perfectly for Fez. Myself and a bunch of other people loved his music. Even the London Philharmonic performed one of his pieces, for shit’s sake! Here is a link to the great music you’ll find in Fez. My favorite track is “Sync”, which is matched wonderfully to events inside the game.

And while I was playing Fez, digging on the tunes, I thought to myself… what if I could work with this guy?

Turns out that was a possible thing. I collaborated with Rich on my silly little robot song that will play in Machine Horror House end of the month. It is the song two robots (Niene Pugliano and Jeff Pollard) sing about what the future will be like. I hope my cheesy melody and lyrics will not end up embarrassing Rich too much.

Also, if you use Facebook to track events and plan to go to Machine Horror House, you can help my morale by clicking “Yes, I’m going!” over here. I mean, you don’t HAVE to or anything.

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