Please download Season 1 while it’s still free.

To defray my hosting costs, I’ll be removing the Machine Court Season 1 episodes and making them available through a paid channel. That will happen after I finish up Season 2 in three or four weeks.

“You arrogant bastard!”

Wait! You can get them all now for free. To make it easier for you, I’ve put download links below to all the Season 1 episodes. Now these links will probably not work a month from now. From a PC, you can right-click them and save to some spot on your hard drive. Or if you’ve got a podcast player that handles downloads, then you don’t need the links below, just download the early episodes from inside your player.

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    ABC, sorry for the late reply. I’ve got a fuzzy and complicated set of reasons for moving season 1 off the host and to a paid channel. In particular, the paid channel I’m considering is libsyn’s premium content, where a user pays a small fee like $5/year and gets access to the full archive and extra content. My reasoning is as follows:
    * It’s simple to set up. I’m already on libsyn for hosting my podcast.
    * It will give me some tiny trickle o businessf income to report on my income tax. This helps to establish I’m not a hobby with the IRS.
    * If I’m going to take a hit with my audience for “going commercial,” I’d rather just set expectations early. I don’t expect to make any substantial amount of money on the podcast anytime soon, and maybe I never will, but this helps me keep the door open.


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