I hate cut scenes.

I know not everybody hates cut scenes. But I do. Anything that is not playing the game is unwelcome to me. So The Godkiller has no cutscenes.

I don’t even like those splash screens that come up when a game launches – a little slideshow of ESRB ratings, publisher logo, studio logo, loading screen. The worst thing is when a piece of intro media requires time to load. Like some of the Magic the Gathering games have intro animation that looks fantastic, but you have to wait for it to load every time you launch the game.

I removed all of these except for the loading screen, which looks like this:


It’s purposefully minimal. I’m not even going to add a company logo to this screen. What screen comes next? The title or menu screen? Nope.

The player wants to play. We send them directly to the game. If they had a previous session, it gets restored and they’re continuing from their last point. If they’ve never played before, they’ll see this screen.


Hmm. A song with lyrics plays. The name of the developer studio is shown. Looks like your basic intro credits cutscene, right?

It’s actually the first level, fully interactive. There is a camera about a half-mile above the player’s character, descending towards her. Even though at the beginning of the scene, this character is a sub-pixel dot, you can still control her and make progress within the level. The series of screencaps below demonstrate this.

eggdrop1 eggdrop2 eggdrop3 eggdrop4

So it’s not a cutscene. No cutscenes in my story-based game. I hate them.

Steam Store Page The Godkiller – Chapter 1 is a 3D puzzle-solving adventure game available for Windows and Mac on Steam!
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