Schedule Check

As I described previously, I’m solidly committed to releasing The Godkiller on January 1st, 2022. To be on track for that, I need to complete the story scripting and associated dialogue by June start. So let’s see where I am on that.

There are 58 total levels. I’ve completed story on 36 of them. That effort took me 33 days. So on average, each level takes me about a day to complete. There are some that have taken 4 days and some that have taken an hour, but the average I’ll use for my calculations is a day. I have 22 days of effort remaining and 43 calendar days left until June.

So I’m well ahead of schedule.

What about the weekends?

I work on the weekends. I work every day. On a mission here!

Yesterday, I managed to create a proper adventure game puzzle. Mostly, the challenges in the game are based on clearing levels according to common game elements. But here and there, I can do a story-based puzzle. I don’t want to give it away, but you have to play a game with Plundy, a big friendly bird that involves deciphering his not-quite-English language.

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Steam Store Page The Godkiller – Chapter 1 is a 3D puzzle-solving adventure game available for Windows and Mac on Steam!
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